Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boston University Bridge Sign

This sign at the corner of BU Bridge and Commonweath Ave on the Boston University Campus was rejected for "Artifact Problems: Noise/Grain/Chromatic or other artifacts due to low light, blue or purple fringing, high ISO, over-sharpening or post processing techniques. Please view image at 100% prior to submission"


  1. can you help me? I keep getting this as a reason for rejection and would like to know why. Im new to the site and want to know what it means. People have said bigstock does not like photoshopped photos and reject most. Is this true in your experinces?---- by the way, lovely rejects you have here. The lighthouses are my favorites

  2. In this case, I think the problem was I had a large zoom lens without a tripod. Even with a high shutter speed a little camera shake results in some blur when zoomed in this much. In my opion, there are many uses for this photo since the shake can't be noticed if the picture is kept to a reasonable size. The stock photo sites, however, want photos that look perfect even at 100%.

    I also think it depends on who happens to review the photo. I have had photos with worse blur (in my opinion) accepted.

    I'm glad you are enjoying this blog. I'll post some more photos. Tell your friends.
